Drought Resilience Programme in Northern Kenya Background
The Government of Kenya and the Federal Republic of Germany, through KfW, signed a loan and financing agreement in December 2018 towards the implementation of the Drought Resilience Programme in Northern Kenya (DRPNK) in Turkana and Marsabit counties for an implementation period of six years. The Separate Agreement (SA) spelling out modalities of implementation was signed in February 2020. The Programme concerns the construction/implementation and rehabilitation of infrastructure in selected areas of Turkana and Marsabit suitable to strengthen the drought resilience and climate change adaptive capacities of the pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems and livelihoods on a sustainable basis. This is to contribute to increased food security and drought resilience of the target population in Northern Kenya.
DRPNK’s objective is drought resilience and climate change adaptive capacities of the pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems and livelihoods in selected areas of Marsabit County. It is expected to be strengthened on a sustainable basis by expanding and rehabilitating relevant infrastructure. Public participation and consultative meetings were undertaken to achieve the community priorities based on the four output areas listed below:
1. To improve access to water for both humans and livestock
2. To improve Fodder conservation, promotion, and management
3. To improve access to market infrastructure
4. To improve rural transport infrastructure.