Governor Ali Distributes Agricultural Inputs Worth 310 Million Kenyan Shillings to Community-Based Groups

Governor Ali Distributes Agricultural Inputs Worth 310 Million Kenyan Shillings to Community-Based Groups

Governor Ali Distributes Agricultural Inputs Worth 310 Million Kenyan Shillings to Community-Based Groups

Tuesday 01/08/2023

Governor Mohamud Ali and his deputy Solomon Gubo have today distributed agricultural inputs worth 310 million Kenyan shillings to 880 community-based groups across the county. 

The initiative was achieved through collaboration with the World Bank's Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) and the Emergency Locust Resilience Project (ELRP) which aims at supporting climate adaptation and mitigation efforts in the agricultural sector. The grants have been distributed to community groups from six implementing wards namely Illeret, North Horr, Laisamis, Sagante/Jaldesa, Uran and Golbo ward. The funds will be used to invest in various agricultural activities such as livestock rearing, crop farming and beekeeping.

During the disbursement ceremony held in ququb Chiro, the governor emphasized the importance of agriculture in the county's economy, stating that it is a vital source of income for many households. He further underscored the need to ensure the health and well-being of livestock, as it directly impacts the livelihoods of farmers and pastoralists.

The county CEO also highlighted the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, including the adverse effects of climate change. He noted that climate change has led to increased droughts and diseases, which have negatively affected livestock and crop production. In order to address these challenges and support the farmers and pastoralists in the county, the governor revealed that his administration has allocated a significant portion of its budget to the agricultural sector.

Additionally, the governor announced the launch of a county-wide livestock vaccination, treatment, and deworming exercise which aims  at reaching over 1 million livestock species in Marsabit County. The initiative is a joint venture between the county government and partners such as PACIDA, CONCERN, and VSF-Germany. By vaccinating, treating, and deworming the livestock, the county government aims at improving their health and productivity, thereby benefiting the farmers and pastoralists.

Furthermore, the governor unveiled twenty scholarship positions for a two-year course in animal health and production. These scholarships are intended to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the improvement of livestock health and production in the county.

The county boss called upon the community to seize the opportunities at hand and make the most of the support offered to build sustainable livelihoods. 

The disbursement of micro grants and the launch of the livestock vaccination exercise signify the commitment of the Marsabit County government to support agriculture and improve the livelihoods of its residents. By investing in climate-smart agriculture and livestock health, the government hopes to mitigate the effects of climate change and enhance the economic well-being of the county's farmers and pastoralists.

Marsabit County Government

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