Marsabit Needy Students Benefitted From NGAAF Bursary

Marsabit Needy Students Benefitted From NGAAF Bursary

Marsabit needy students benefitted from NGAAF bursary

At least 500 Marsabit needy students in secondary and colleges have benefitted from sh 2.4 million bursaries from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund ( NGAAF).

The fund is to provide financial support to disadvantage students in the county, including persons with disabilities who deserve support to pursue their education.

Speaking during the disbursement exercise in Saku, Marsabit Women Representative Naomi Jillo Wako lauded the national and county government for assisting bright needy students with school fees.

She noted that most parents and guardians in the county are unable to raise school fees for their children due to hunger that has been caused by persistent drought in the region. 

She noted that this would relieve parents of the burden of paying fees and aid the government's efforts towards achieving its 100 percent transition policy.

The county mp said girl child education and economic empowerment of women would reduce the number of abuses women are going through and also help the county to realize a meaningful development in the economic sphere.

She said the education of the girl child should not be seen as a privilege that can be withdrawn arbitrary and called on the residents to discard all discriminatory practices that deny girl's child their right to education.

The lawmaker urged parents in the county to continue investing in their children's education saying gone are the days when education was not taken seriously.

She advised that though the economy appears very tough especially due to long dry spell, parents must not deterred in educating their children as such investment pay better dividends in the future.

" I call on parents to continue to make education as an investment in their future. No investment in that regard will be regretted. It may be difficult today but it pays heavily in the end." She said 

She said an educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of the economy.

The county mp said she believes in the transformative value of education in community development, urging the county residents to walk the journey with her.

" Education is a better future for our children and as leaders guaranteeing more development opportunities for the community is our solemn and collective responsibility." she said 

The deputy majority chief whip said her focus for the next five years will be socially and economically empower women, youth and the people living with disabilities.

She asked youths and the elders to work in unison to promote peaceful coexistence in the county, expressing confidence that through their engagement, peace will be maintained adding that the young people are essential in peace building and sustainable development as they posses unique ideas and vision for the future.

She solicited the support of county's people in maintaining peace, brotherhood and harmony in the county, saying everyone should make concerted efforts to uphold peace and harmony at every cost.

" There is need to enhance unity and end suspicion among the people who fought each other." she said 

Jillo Dida,a resident of Saku said the government's bursary have restored hope for the bright students who would have misses classes due to school fees.

She said the bursaries will help underprivileged in the county to access education.

Marsabit County Government

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