Marsabit Residents Set to Benefit from World Bank water project

Marsabit Residents Set to Benefit from World Bank water project

Thousands of Marsabit county residents are set to benefit from a multi-million water project to be funded by World Bank.

The project will cover water and sanitation with the instillation of a water treatment facility and it would be a major boost to the county's water projects including boreholes.

The county government has drilled more than 50 boreholes across the county to address water shortages in the region.

Speaking during stakeholders forum and public participation exercise, the county executive committee member for Water, Environment, climate change and Natural Resources Mr Adan Kanano said the project will solve the acute shortages of the commodity in the region.

He said, the department is committed to ensuring that the project funds are well utilized .

" Residents who for every long time had lacked better access to clean water and sanitation services due to inadequate, old and dilapidated infrastructure are set to benefit." he said

He said, besides the donor funds, the county government of Marsabit has set aside money to rehabilitate and develop new water projects.

He said water project funded by World Bank will ensure regular supply of water to schools, hospitals and homesteads and requested maximum cooperation from the residents once laying of pipes and other activities commence.

He added that Horn of African Ground Water Resilience project has been a long awaited project to meet the demands of Marsabit residents.

" This is going to be a relief to the women who have been fetching water from long distances. This is a big relief to our people." Said Kanano 

The administrator said despite governor Mohamud-led administration invested millions of shillings in water services, still majority of the county population has no access to clean water.

He said the project will see an increased and well maintained water supplying across the four sub counties as governor Mohamud-led administration focus on rehabilitation of water schemes, drilling of boreholes and equipping of the existing boreholes.

According to Performance Board Grant Coordinator Mr Dickson k. Maitho the project will supplement the existing water supply network as the county awaits the implementation of the multi-million water project.

He said the project will address the perennial water shortages in the county and help county's increase sustainable quality water services while enabling better management of water resources.

He said the project has come at the right time, saying it will be key to supplementing the county's efforts to not increase water supply to residents and deal with shortages of the commodities across the county.

" Water provision is among key development agendas for the residents in Governor Mohamud's manifesto and the project will help him achieve his goals." he said 

Mr Dickson revealed that they were lucky as their proposal was approved and set to receive funds to start construction and maintenance of the existing boreholes across the county adding that more funding can solve completely the problem of water in the region.

" I call upon well-wishers and National Government to come and partner with County Government to make the vision of clean and reliable water a success." he said

Water and Sanitation Coordination Forum chairperson Mr Shakhe Stephen Katelo said the project help bring changes in the county and people will enjoy a better life in terms of hygiene, sanitation and reliable access to safe drinking water.

He said residents will happily access clean and uninterrupted water supply and this gives them amble time to do their daily chores in their livelihoods and pursue other things.

" Marsabit county residents life set to change in terms of fetching water and going back home for other chores." he said

He said the water project is committed to consistent monitoring of each water sources and this allows us to maintain our relationships with community to ensure that the water points are safe and reliable.

He said, navigating through intense drought, performing preventative maintenance, conducting quality repairs when needed and continuing to assist community to manage water points are parts of the keeping project sustainable.

Mr Shakhe said the project will provide long term access to safe and affordable drinking water and will transform lives in a region that has faced multiple crisis including change of climate and dry up of their main source of water.

" This project will have a positive and sustainable impact on the lives of the residents. Strong and effective partnership are crucial part of the county government to provide a safe and more reliable water supply for its citizens." Said Shakhe

He said the world Bank funded water project is not only preventing disease and improving public health but will also boost living standards and foster economic growth as people less on water and more on other necessities.

The residents led by Guyo Boru applauded the donors for having set up the noble water project, saying they are now relieved and they will performing their duties with ease as compared to previous years where they could travel for long distances to access clean water.

" This water project will enhanced peace in the region as they would meet at water points and interact to spread the word of peace among ourselves and even encourage each other to forget hatred." Said Guyo

He disclosed that due to unlimited resources, they were previously sharing water points with their domestic animals which contaminated the water leading to a rise in water borne diseases, an issue that will be solved through the project.

He said the water project once implemented will also help farmers irrigate their crops like vegetables which will boost the economic status of the region as it improves food security.

Marsabit County Government

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