The sector comprises of energy, lands, and urban development subsectors.
Excellent land management and vibrant, well-planned, urban centres and world-class cost-effective
renewable energy infrastructure in Marsabit County.
To facilitate and enable sustainable land use and growth of the urban centres through efficient land
administration, equitable access, secure tenure, sustainable management of land-based resources and
well-planned urban centres, and promotion of clean, green, efficient, and affordable renewable
Strategic Objectives
Excellent land management and vibrant, well-planned, urban centres and world-class cost-effective
renewable energy infrastructure in Marsabit County.
To facilitate and enable sustainable land use and growth of the urban centres through efficient land
administration, equitable access, secure tenure, sustainable management of land-based resources and
well-planned urban centres, and promotion of clean, green, efficient, and affordable renewable
Strategic Objectives
- Promotion of clean, efficient, affordable and sustainable
- Environmentally friendly renewable energy products
- To facilitate efficient land administration and management of physical infrastructure for County development
- Solid Waste collection and Management Town urbanization Integrated Development
- master plan- Marsabit town
- Setting up of Land registry & GIS Lab in Efforts to digitize land records
- Local physical development plans of 15 towns undertaken and plans at the approval stage with the Assembly
- Cadastral surveys of 9 centers undertaken in efforts to register land parcels and issue approximately 8,000 title deeds to secure land tenure
- Partnered with UN-Habitat and developed a spatial plan (urban integrated development plan) for Moyale town which will feed into the development of a wide Spatial plan.
- Registration of Community lands in progress after approval of inventory and Gazzettment by the Ministry
- Improved solid waste management in urban and trading centers in efforts to keep our towns clean. Currently collecting in 11 centers of; Marsabit, Moyale, Sololo, Bubisa/Turbi, Dukana, Laisamis, Log-Log, Loiyangalani, Maikona, Northhorr, and Kalacha through the introduction of Solid waste collection schedule/sheet to ensure close supervision by bringing on board sub county & ward administrators.
- Establishment of Moyale municipality on course and awaiting launch
- Improved Municipal infrastructures by; Installation of two 30-meter-high flood light masts at SAKU CBD, Construction of Public toilets, Cabro pavement and Storm drainage works within SAKU CBD, Rehabilitation, restoration, and renovation of Marsabit public toilet.
- Setting up of 10 mini grids with the support of development partners under the KOSAP project is in progress at identified sites; Gas, Kargi, Gatab, Forole, Elleborr, Bori, South Horr, Bubisa, Elgathe, and Dir-Dima.