- Education (Early Childhood Development and Education)
- Skills Development (Vocational training)
- Youth Development and Sports.
To be the leader in the provision of quality education, vocational training, youth, and sports programs in the Country.
To transform lives through quality education, vocational training, youth development, and sports.
Core Values
1. Professionalism: The Department shall endeavor to maintain the high level of set standards during service
delivery through highly competent task-oriented, efficient use of resources and labour towards the betterment of
our clients.
2. Integrity: The Department shall apply the principles of honesty, transparency, and accountability in all its
3. Cohesion: The Department shall engage all ethnic groups with a view to embrace unity in diversity and peaceful
coexistence in the County
4. Equity: The Department shall distribute its resources fairly and deliver its service without bias.
5. Teamwork: The Department shall work collaboratively with all stakeholders and partners in order to achieve our
mission through strong internal and external relationships.
Mandate & Core Functions
1) Development of ECDE and VTC infrastructure.
2) Provision of adequate and age-appropriate teaching/learning materials.
3) Provision of nutritious, safe, and acceptable ECDE Meals.
4) Quality assurance of ECDEs
5) Bursary/scholarship support to bright and needy students in post-primary institutions.
6) Recruitment and staffing of ECDE centres.
7) Quality Assurance and Standards Assessment of VTCs & Presentations of Start-Up Kits
8) INSET program for VTC instructors and BOM capacity building
9) Procurement of Tools & Equipment, Furniture and Training Materials
10) Sports and sports infrastructure Development.
11) Youth Empowerment and Training
12) Youth Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
13) Youth Internship
14) Development of Youth Empowerment Centres
15) Development and review of legal frameworks.
16) Strengthening capacities of ECDE teachers and officers on curriculum delivery teacher- management
Flagship Projects
1. Marsabit County Stadium, Marsabit.
The objective of the Project is to improve sports facilities in the county. The Project involves the construction and
completion of the main pavilion, playing area, and landscaping works. The time frame of the Project is FY 2021/2022 to 2023/2024. To date Kshs 630M has been spent by the County Government. The Project is co-funded by the County Government of Marsabit and Sports Kenya.