The sector comprises of agriculture, fisheries, veterinary services, and livestock production sub-sectors
To be the leading agent towards the achievement of food security for all, employment creation, income
generation, and poverty reduction in Marsabit County.
To improve the livelihoods of Marsabit people by promoting competitive agriculture, sustainable crop,
livestock, and fisheries development, innovative research and technologies, equitable distribution, and
sustainable management of natural resources
To be the leading agent towards the achievement of food security for all, employment creation, income
generation, and poverty reduction in Marsabit County.
To improve the livelihoods of Marsabit people by promoting competitive agriculture, sustainable crop,
livestock, and fisheries development, innovative research and technologies, equitable distribution, and
sustainable management of natural resources
1. Strengthen collaborations and linkages with public and private institutions in the management and
delivery of agricultural programs and services
2. Develop and approve instruments for the operation and accountability of agriculture sector
programs and projects
3. Facilitate development, review, implementation, and monitoring of policies, strategies, standards,
regulations, plans, and legislations of relevance to the sector
4. Develop mechanisms for the management and dissemination of agricultural information
1. Strengthen collaborations and linkages with public and private institutions in the management and
delivery of agricultural programs and services
2. Develop and approve instruments for the operation and accountability of agriculture sector
programs and projects
3. Facilitate development, review, implementation, and monitoring of policies, strategies, standards,
regulations, plans, and legislations of relevance to the sector
4. Develop mechanisms for the management and dissemination of agricultural information
The strategic objective of the sector
i. Creating an enabling environment for agricultural development through a review of the current
legal and policy framework.
ii. Promoting market and product development by adopting a value chain approach.
iii. Facilitate increased livestock, fisheries, agricultural productivity, and outputs through improved
extension, advisory support services, and technology application.
iv. Promote conservation and protection of the environment and natural resources through
sustainable land use practices.
v. Strengthen access to agricultural and livestock information through ICT-based information
management systems.
vi. Facilitate accessibility of affordable credit, insurance, and quality inputs to farmers, fisher folks,
vii. Strengthen human resources development, including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and
coordination of staff functions within the Department.
viii. Strengthen crop and livestock pest and disease control management
Strategies to address the challenges include:
- Capacity building and strengthened farmers with robust extension services.
- Promote diversification and technology-led farming practices with improved genetics and varieties; Provide quality and affordable farm inputs and support services including finance.
- Develop market Information systems, linkages, and access.
- Develop market infrastructure including modern storage facilities at strategic points.
- Promote the establishment of processing and value-addition hubs.
- Enforce product safety and quality standards.
- Strengthen producer and marketing organizations with an appropriate legal and regulatory framework and provide training and capacity development for management and leadership.
- Develop marketing infrastructure for fisheries and livestock handling.
- Support to development of irrigation infrastructure to support crop and fodder production, development of hay stores, livestock feed storage facilities to build more livestock feed reserves,
- Strengthening resilience to climate change risk faced by farmers, pastoralists, and fisher folks,
- ensuring the building of climate-proofed infrastructure,
- Strengthen linkages between research extension,
- Strengthening and promoting innovative and new technologies in disease surveillance, diagnosis, and controls,
- Promote sustainable rangeland ecosystem management and breed improvement to increase productivity.